Senin, Desember 17, 2007

Testing of 9 Best Antivirus in Indonesia

Testing of 9 Best Antivirus in Indonesia
Chip tester team is well known by their competency and independency in testing IT hardware and software product which used by customers as a guideline to buy IT hardware or software product.

Antivirus and virus background in Indonesia.

Security is one of the most dinamic field in IT world and especially antivirus is even more dynamic since virus threat is keep appearing in a count of hour, sometimes ….. minute. Not like yesterday, caused by internet penetration all over the world, virus threat now become borderless. Where an email virus in Eastern Europe this morning in no time will arrive in America, Asia or other continents.

But still there is some uniqueness in Indonesia, where internet penetration is very low compared to other South East Asia country such as Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore …… except Myanmar off course :P. The uniqueness is that even Indonesia have 20 million internet users of 250 million people, there are only 5 million internet connection account established from Indonesian ISP’s (Data from APJII, Indonesian ISP Association). So where did the 15 million users accessing internet ? The answer is Cybercafe or Warung Internet (Warnet) where there are more than 10.000 Cybercafe spread all over Indonesia. What is the relationship of this with virus spreading in Indonesia ?

As we know, computer users who did not have their own PC need to store their data and caused by this, most of computer user in Indonesia minimum have one Flash Disk (USB Flash Disk). And the bad news is these flash disks is actively connecting between computers. After plugged to Cybercafe’s computer, then the user will copy / paste data to other computer at office or at home. So if a Cybercafe’s computer infected by a virus, it will automatically infect “any” Flash disk plugged in to it, this will make the Flash disk become virus host where this virus will automatically infect any computer this Flash disk plugged in to later on.

But wait !! ………. Where did antivirus vendor go, isn’t it their job? No, they are working day and night fightning virus from all over the world. The problem is Indonesian cyber community aka VM (Virus Maker) is very active writing and spread new viruses on the average of 2 – 3 virus per day. And most of it spread through Flash Disk. This rate of virus appearance gives antivirus vendor a headache since the VM is actively monitoring antivirus’s detection to his virus and actively spread new virus variant everytime his old virus been detected by antivirus vendor. This become endless war.

9 Best Antivirus

9 best antivirus tested by Chip is AVG from Grisoft, bitDefender, F-Prot, F-Secure, Kaspersky Antivirus, McAfee, Nod 32, Norman Virus Control and Symantec Norton Antivirus. These antiviruses will run to detect and clean virus from Windows Vista.

Aspects considered to give points are : (look at the scanned file, pages 16 and 17)

1. Interface (10 %) (interface)

2. Additional feature (10 %) (Feature Ekstra)

3. Detection (50 %) (deteksi)

4. Protection (30 %) (proteksi)


From all of 9 candidates, only 3 antivirus can detect all the virus samples. Norman Virus Control, Kaspersky and NOD 32 give 100 % detection of all the virus sample tested and get 41 point. Kaspersky get additional points of 2 because it can detect compressed virus in RAR archive “protected” by password where NOD32 and Norman cannot. So from detection result Kaspersky is ahead of Norman and NOD32 by 2 points.

Interface and Additional Feature.

From additional Feature and Interface, Kaspersky got 8 (interface) and 5 (additional feature) point, total 8 + 5 + 43 = 56.

NOD32 got 3.5 (interface) and 7.5 (additional feature), total 3.5 + 7.5 + 41 = 52.

Norman got lowest point, 3 (interface) and 5 (additional feature), total 3 + 5 + 41 = 49.


Good antivirus must have the ability to protect virus to run even if its run purposely by computer users. Most of recent viruses pretend to be “innocent” file and changed its icon (executable) into innocent / harmless icon such as MS Word, MS Excel, Folder and JPEG icon. Thats why protection from running virus accientally (social engineered virus) is important since its become last line of defense when the computer users tricked by “reengineered icon”.

From this point, Kaspersky and NOD32 in default setting “still” allow known virus to run where Norman DISALLOW. So, even if virus changed its icon to MS Word, Excel, folder or JPEG, Norman still not allow users to run it and even give warning that the file runned is a virus and stopped it.

From protection point of view, Norman got 25 point where Kaspersky and NOD32 got 15.


So the final position is NOD32 in third position with total 67 point, Kaspersky in the second place with 73 point and get Chip Tip Value Security and The Winner is …. Norman with 74 point ang Norman is allow to use a logo of CHIP Tip Choice Security.

Chip Indonesia Test 9 Best Antivirus in 2007

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